Thames Valley – Events

Dinner at RHS Wisley

July 15, 2010

We at Thames Valley Bailliage often use superlatives to describe our events, and our sum-mer Grand Dîner is no exception. Jim Gardiner, the Curator and newspaper gardening correspondent, has arranged for his team to show us around the Garden before dinner. Highlights of the visit will include the walled garden, model domestic gardens, herb garden, fruit and vegetable areas, alpine house and meadow, and the canal. The Garden Tour starts at 6.30 pm prompt, a map and your tickets for admission will be sent with your receipt. Booking is essential.

If you do not wish to do the tour we will look forward to greeting you with a glass of sparkling wine and canapés at 7.30 pm. in the Glasshouse. Dinner promises to be a wonderful event, the seasonal fruits and vegetables are all grown at Wisley. Chefs Alisdair Beach & Neil Roster, Head Chef Company of Cooks and Head Chef RHS Garden Wisley have created a fabulous summer menu making the most of all that the Garden has to offer.

Dress is Black Tie with insignia and wellies for the tour!

Grand Dînner, 15th July 2010 Garden Tour 6.30 pm prompt, Dinner 7.30 pm for 8.15 pm

Reception in the Glasshouse Canapes Fois Gras with Sauternes Raisons London Cured Salmon Blinis with Caviar Oven Dried Vine Tomatoes, Sister Sarah, Cracked Black Olives Crudites from Wisley Garden Prosecco IGT Colli Trevigiani, Frizzante NV

Starter Sussex Slipcote, Tomato cake, French bean and mint salad Fish Course Confit Salmon, Fennel Salad and Preserved Lemon Dressing Stella Blanco, Aromatic Muscat, Portugal 2009 14 Sorbet Main Course Rare Roast Sirloin of Lydling Farm Angus beef, Fondant Potato, Baked Beetroot,Watercress and Horseradish Cream Rioja Martinez Laorden Lanzado Joven, Spain 2008 Dessert Surrey Strawberry & Raspberry Mess, Sablay Shortbread Château Jolys Jurançon, Cuvée Jean 2007 Coffee and Wisley made Chocolate Brownie


This very special event includes a tour of the Garden, please indicate if you would like places for the tour and dinner or the dinner only

Garden Tour

No thank you Yes please ‫‫

Please reserve me …………………….places


Please reserve me ……………… places at £75.00 (members & a guest) for the Grand Diner at RHS Wisley to be held on Thursday 15th July 2010.

Please reserve me………………….. places at £85.00 each for additional guests.

Enclosed is my cheque for £ made payable to ‘Chaîne des Rôtisseurs’ (see below) (These will not be banked before the 7th July 2010)

Name: ……………………………………… Address: .………………………………….


Post Code: ……………………………………. Tel: ….…………………………………

Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Guests Names:……………………………………………………………….………………..


Any special dietary requirements: ………………………………………………

Dress is Black Tie with insignia and wellies for the tour!

Alan Connor, VCA, 42, Foxborough Road, Radley, ABINGDON, Oxon, OX14 3AB
Email Tel / Fax: +44 (0) 1235 533509 Barclays, Kingston upon Thames Sort Code: 20-46-73 Account Number: 10988057 Account Name: Chaine Des Rôtisseurs Please email the booking form to Alan
