
Welcome to the Anglia Bailliage. Anglia is a very large region, encompassing Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, We are actively seeking new members, particularly in the southern part of our region. If you are interested to learn more about us, please contact me at the address below.

We organise around 6 events a year, and our annual visit to a local Catering College gives us the opportunity of seeing the students at work; they are proud to show us around their facilities and to talk about their training. The events are planned around visits to our Professional Members, we visit a Cambridge college, usually for our AGM lunch. We look for new venues which gives us a chance to try to encourage more Professionals to join La Chaine. Our Bailliage is over 30 years old and we have enthusiastic support from our members.

We are always happy to welcome visitors from other Bailliages.

Chris Lewis
Bailli Régional
