
Welcome to the Cotswolds Bailliage. Founded in 1997, the group holds six to eight events each year and we also attend the annual UK Grand Chapitre.

The Cotswolds is a very beautiful part of England that includes historic spa towns of Bath and Cheltenham, vibrant Bristol and charming countryside locations to hold our events. They vary from restaurants in walled gardens; innovative city venues to elegant Country House settings. Our aim is to organise events that are of the highest standards, at a reasonable cost.

If we can be of help to you regarding any of our events please contact me directly.

Jacqueline Horsfield
Bailli de Cotswolds

PAYMENTS Our Banking information for payments is as follows and please copy Mary McGinty ( )on any transfers you make.

Account Name: Cotswolds Chaine des Rotisseurs

Sort Code: 30 98 97

Account: 51192068


IBAN: GB67 LOYD 3098 9751 1920 68

Latest news

Summer Evening in Berkeley

Cotswolds Summer Garden Party was a success- even summer showed up and provided a balmy evening in a glorious garden setting.

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Latest Event

Lunch at The Whitebrook

Michelin Star restaurant with rooms nestled in the Wye Valley celebrating food grown, foraged and produced locally. Join us at 1230 for 1PM. Numbers are Limited so Book Early! Members £115 with pairing and Non Members £125; Members without pairing £56 and Non Members £66.

Bed and Breakfast Room rate £180-£260 booked directly with The Whitebrook.

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